Tag, You’re It!

Michael over at Have A Dream tagged me over the weekend. You can check out his great blog using the link and see how he answered the questions given to him. Ready for some fun?

The Rules:
You must post the rules.
Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post and create eleven new questions to ask the people you have tagged.
Tag eleven people and link them to your post.
And, let them know you have tagged them.

Here are the answers to the questions I was set by Michael ……

1. What is your favorite pastime and why?

– Reading. It’s calm, solitary, and never lonely.

2. If your life was produced into a movie, who do you think could best act as you?

– That’s a tough one. I can’t think of anyone.

3. Which would you prefer as a pet – a dog or a cat, and why?

– I have one of each. I love my cat because he takes care of himself, but I love my dog because he always wants to be with me.

4. Please describe yourself in six words or less.

– Loyal, foodie, mother, wife, busy, tired

5. Assuming you are given a year’s paid leave, how would you like to spend it?

– Writing

6. If you have to watch a movie, thriller or drama?

– Drama. I’d rather cry than be scared.

7. If you have to engage in one of the two, which would you choose, jog or stroll?

– Stroll, definitely. I can’t jog or run at all.

8. Which would you choose, dream and wish or dream and work?

– Dream and work.

9. Love watching sunrise or sunset, why?

– Sunset. It’s beautiful.

10. Health or wealth?

– Health

11. If you are going on a solo sailing mission, name three things you want best to carry with you.

– GPS, gun, food

Now, here are my eleven questions for my chosen 11 ……

1. If  you could have been born during any other time, when would it be?

2. What are your five favorite CD’s?

3. What Muppet best describes you?

4. What is your favorite genre and medium?

5. If you could be an animal, which would you choose?

6. Who is your celebrity look-alike?

7. Describe yourself in six words or less.

8. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

9. Where is your favorite vacation spot?

10. If you were given a year off with pay, what would you do?

11. If you were on a deserted island, list three essentials you’d want to have with you.

 And now, I would like to tag ……………….

Tinkerbelle @ Laughter is Catching

 4 Little Fergusons

Sumptuous Spoonfuls

The Marathon Mom

The Kitchen Chaotic

Going Dutch

Happiness Stan Lives Here

Frugal Feeding



Pasta Princess


Vote for me @ Top Mommy Blogs - Mom Blog Directory

6 thoughts on “Tag, You’re It!

  1. Hello! Thank you for tagging me! I’m kinda busy this month too, but I’ll fit it in. This is cute. 🙂

  2. Pingback: Blogger Awards and Thank You’s « Sumptuous Spoonfuls

  3. Pingback: » Blogger Awards and Thank You’s Sumptuous Spoonfuls

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