Caramel Praline Tart

Did you know that April is National Pecan Month and yesterday was National Pecan Day? In honor of the pecan I’ve decided to share this re-post worthy recipe with you. Make it soon. It’s awesome 🙂



The Home Heart

I’ve been waiting quite some time to be able to share this awesome tart with you. I made one weeks ago, but alas, it fell apart in my fridge, and I was so angry I picked it up in chunks and threw it across my kitchen. I had streaks of sticky caramel and clumps of pralines and pie crust everywhere! It took me two hours to clean my kitchen (I was surprised to see some of the places that caramel got into!) and another hour and half to clean out my refrigerator. The moral to this story is: It may make you feel really good to throw food, but you will have to clean it up, and that doesn’t feel so good.

*Sigh. K, I have to admit, I didn’t care about having to clean it up- throwing it was extremely therapeutic 🙂

Without further ado, I give you an…

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